DIY or Pro Question? Post it for the community in the comments here ...
The central objective of this forum is to facilitate the free and open exchange of key industry information, expert opinion, and relevant professional and lay experience, for the mutual benefit of all our subscribers.
To ask a question or initiate a discussion, enter it in the comments to this post.
We receive real-time notices of comments that appear, and we will keep track of the responses, which should also be posted in the comments thread here.
We’ll moderate and track the discussions.
Those which are short or relatively simple to resolve will be moved to a DIY Archive that will be kept to serve as a help resource going forward.
Those which are more complex will be moved to our Chat section, where exchanges are real-time and it’s easier to keep the conversation organized and updated. When resolved or talked out, they will also be moved to the DIY Archive.
Please, let’s keep the questions and discussions reasoned, rational — and relatively significant in a boatbuilding and refitting context.
In other words, please avoid the trivial. If you want to know what the best waterproof cockpit speaker in the world is, that is best asked on Facebook or researched on Amazon. But if you want to know, for example, how to layup epoxy carbon fiber or where it’s worth the extra labor and expense, or the differences are between linear polyurethane and acrylic modified urethane coatings, well, those are the kind of questions we hope to be able to answer for you here in the DIY Forum section of For Yacht Builders, Buyers, and Owners.
That said, feel free to join the conversation. Cheers!
— Phil Friedman, Editor and Publisher
Copyright © 2023 by Phil Friedman — All Rights Reserved
Hi Phil,
I receive your Linkedin news letter which I appreciate.
Congrats on this new initiative on substack (which I'll try to better understand its potential).
Thanks for sharing content and for your efforts to spread.
All the best.
Claudio Moscino
Likewise I find your newsletters informative.
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